Highly Sensitive Parenthood

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Creating your HSP Cozy Corner

While part of creating your HSP Cozy Corner is about decluttering, you can also mindfully add items to your space to enhance your experience of relaxation.  For HSPs, engaging in the five senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell) can be both pleasant and calming.  Here are some ways to create a quiet, cozy space for yourself:


Most importantly, clear this room or corner of clutter.  If you have items that you’d like to keep in your space, consider storing them in a cute box or basket that reduces visual clutter.  If you enjoy certain colors, incorporate them into this space.  Adding art, candles, small sculptures, or nature elements into this space can be relaxing and grounding.  I keep some essential oils and other small items in these sweet & sturdy low baskets.  If you’re prone to visual overstimulation, adding an eye mask to your basket can be helpful.


Pull up a favorite playlist or a recording of nature sounds!  If you’re in the mood for quiet, or want to block ambient noise, I highly recommend these super comfy, high quality noise canceling headphones. If you prefer a less bulky option, Loop offers cute and effective noise reduction earplugs.  Bonus: If your kids are loud like mine, noise reduction earwear is perfect for wearing around the house!  Of course, make sure you can still hear them, but it’s okay to dampen the sound somewhat to reduce overstimulation.


This is the fun part! Did you know that you can use chocolate (or another candy of choice) to engage in a meditation? As you enjoy your chocolate, notice the bright colored wrapper, the smell, the sound of yourself biting into it, the texture of it melting on your tongue, and the bitter/sweet/creamy/salty taste. Really allow yourself to enjoy each sensory aspect of this experience. Also, too often parents forget to eat and are simply in need of a little snack. Feel free to grab a pouch or two of your favorite sweet or salty snack, but if you’re needing some inspiration, check out these award-winning small batch Sea Salt Caramels.


It’s time to get cozy - gather your favorite pillows and blankets! Including items like scented therapy dough or your fidget item of choice can also be helpful to release any pent-up energy when you’re looking to calm down. For me, there’s nothing better than a soft, sherpa-y weighted blanket when I’m feeling overwhelmed. Of course, a fluffy pet, favorite quilt, or even items just found around your home can work just as well!


If there are unpleasant odors in the area, consider giving it a clean, opening a window, or adding an air filter into the space.  One of my favorite ways to create calm is through using essential oils.  There are many reputable and wonderful essential oil companies out there, but my preference for high quality oils at a reasonable price is Eden’s Garden.  If you’re new to essential oils, try lavender for relaxation or orange for a mood/energy boost.  Of course, adding your favorite candle to the space can also create both a lovely smell and a beautiful source of calming light.

Are you inspired to create your own cozy corner yet?  Let us know in the comments about what you’re planning to include in your space, and don’t forget to return after you’ve begun to enjoy your cozy corner so you can let us know how it feels for you!

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written by Amy Lajiness, HSP Parenthood Coach and Educator