Highly Sensitive Parenthood

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How do I know if I am a Highly Sensitive (HSP) Parent?

Have you ever been told “you’re so sensitive” or “you’re so emotional!” Or have you found yourself overwhelmed and overstimulated by chaotic environments, or by the many competing demands of life and parenthood? First of all, if you are curious or uncertain about what the term “Highly Sensitive Person” (HSP) means, start with this blog post.

Are you just beginning to realize that you are an HSP? Congratulations! Understanding your sensitivity is a critical first step in learning how to not just survive, but truly thrive as an HSP parent. There is much to be proud of, and many gifts you can offer the world (and your child) because of your sensitivity. Additionally, by learning a bit about potential challenges of being an HSP parent, you can find more calm throughout the ups and downs of parenthood. My own personal experience was that becoming a parent brought out certain aspects of my High Sensitivity in new ways, and I’ve found that this is the case for many of my HSP parent clients, as well.

So – how do you know if you are a Highly Sensitive Parent?  Here are some things to look for:

  • Feeling overwhelmed by noise, clutter, or being overtouched 

  • Desire for alone time away from your child(ren) - and sometimes, feeling guilty about wanting this

  • Challenges with meeting competing demands and expectations around how you “should” parent

  • Understanding your child’s emotions, and perhaps even feeling them in your own body

  • When calm, a deep enjoyment of your child’s beauty and unique spirit, and motivation to support them towards a peaceful & meaningful life

  • And one more time for good measure: feeling overstimulated or anxious when there are intense or numerous sensory inputs - children talking/crying, tugging at you, loud/cluttered environments, hungry, hot, sleepy, etc!

If some of the above resonate with you, please know that you are in good company!  My approach with the resources I’ve created at Highly Sensitive Parenthood is to:

  1. Help you understand that you are not alone in your journey as an HSP parent

  2. To recognize the gifts of your sensitivity, and 

  3. To teach you to compassionately support yourself through the challenges associated with being an HSP parent.

Are you hoping to understand more deeply how your sensitivity intersects with your experience as a parent? While my Highly Sensitive Parenthood Course is a fantastic deep dive, the Highly Sensitive Parenthood Toolkit offers a low cost introduction to how the HSP trait shows up in your life as a parent, and gives actionable tips and tools to make your parenting life easier and calmer.

written by Amy Lajiness, HSP Parent Coach and Educator