Highly Sensitive Parenthood

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HSP Introvert Mother’s Day

Hey there, fellow introvert mamas!  Mother’s Day is fast approaching, and if you’re anything like me, visions of sleeping in, breakfast in bed, and giant mugs of coffee enjoyed with a favorite book are dancing in your heads. 

Too often, though, Mother’s Day can end up being just as busy and stressful as any other day, leaving you feeling celebrated but drained.  For HSP’s (Highly Sensitive People) - many of whom are also introverts - the intensity of going out to a crowded brunch spot with your little ones, or trying to squeeze in celebrations for your mother and/or mother-in-law alongside your own can be stressful and counterproductive.  If you’re looking for a more peaceful and restorative Mother’s Day, look no further than the ideas below:

1. Communicate your hopes and expectations of Mother’s Day to your partner and/or loved ones.  While it would be convenient if they could just *know* what we would like our Mother’s Day to look like, we’re much more likely to have the day we want if we get specific about our hopes.  This can be as simple as saying “I’m really looking forward to having a couple hours to myself to read alone in bed that afternoon” or “I’d like to go to a yoga class with my mom that morning!”  Don’t forget that this could also be in reference for things you DON’T want to do, for example: “I don’t want to cook anything/wash dishes on Mother’s Day, so I would love for you to take over that responsibility!”

2. Gather some ideas for a fun & relaxing Mother’s Day:

  • Breakfast in Bed, sleeping in, flowers, and homemade cards - classics for a reason!

  • High Tea at a local resort or Tea Shop

  • Browse a local bookstore, then visit a coffee shop or brewery to enjoy your new book(s) with beverage of your choice

  • Yoga class on your own or with fellow mamas

  • Picnic with the family - making sure that you are not in charge of planning this!  Some local restaurants may offer take-out picnic baskets to make this an easy option for your family to plan

  • Staycation or Retreat - If the best way to honor your Motherhood is to take a break from it, consider planning for a Staycation or Retreat.  This could just be for a day, or (if you can swing it) could stretch to a weekend!  Many resorts or retreat centers offer day passes for a relatively low price, so you can spend your day in a lounge chair by the pool, or walking in beautiful meditation gardens.

  • Play with your kids - I know, I know, we do this a lot and it can be draining!  But often the reason that it is draining is because we are thinking of the million other items on our to-do list.  It may feel deeply joyful to mindfully engage with your child(ren) in play or cuddles, giving one another your full attention, when others are (hopefully) taking care of anything else that needs to be done around the house.

  • Reflection and Journaling - This can be as simple as just writing down three things that you are grateful for, or as in-depth as reflecting on your identity as a mother.  For example, you could journal about where you are shining with confidence, as well as where you feel your light has dimmed and you could use more support. And please, do this with plenty of self-compassion!

3. Lastly, if Mother’s Day is difficult for you for any reason, please factor this into your plans.  You may choose to celebrate the happy aspects of Mother’s Day on one day, while honoring your grief and loss related to Mother’s Day or motherhood separately - perhaps the day or week prior.  Most importantly, be gracious with yourself if any complicated emotions arise.  Motherhood is intense, big, and complex, and your relationship with it might be too. Don’t hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if you feel that it would be helpful.

What are your favorite things to do (or NOT to do?) on Mother’s Day?  Drop your ideas in the comments below and help a sister out!