Highly Sensitive Parenthood

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Why I Started Highly Sensitive Parenthood

Hey there, HSP Parent! Today, I thought I’d share a little bit about myself and why I chose to start the Highly Sensitive Parenthood website and blog. I’m Amy Lajiness, a Psychotherapist turned Coach & Educator for HSP and Empath parents. As a therapist and coach, I have seen firsthand many times how being highly sensitive leads to challenges for parents, and that these challenges are often misunderstood or diminished, leading to guilt and feeding back into further challenges. Of course, sensitivity also offers many gifts to both HSP parents and their children - such as increased emotional attunement and awareness - and these positives are largely ignored or unseen.

On a personal level, I am an HSP myself and really struggled early in parenthood with being overstimulated, overtouched, and generally just overwhelmed with the many tasks and expectations of being a mom! Over years of personal and professional work, I have journeyed toward a way of life that is sustainable, present, and joy-filled. Those difficult moments of overwhelm and overstimulation are certainly still present, but I am now able to recognize them, honor them, and respond to them quickly with boundaries/self-care/breaks/etc, rather than ignoring them out of guilt or shame. I see the intersection between High Sensitivity and parenthood show up every day in my personal and professional life, and as I started to look into the topic more, realized that was a major gap in the area of supporting HSP parents in managing the day to day tasks and demands of parenthood (and life!)

We deserve better for ourselves, parents!  And a big part of being the best parent we can be to our beloved children is taking care of ourselves.  A little tough love: a parent who is neglecting themselves will have difficulty fully being present for or supporting their children.  I have been there (and still am there, some days!)  By supporting yourself and your needs as a Highly Sensitive parent, you are ultimately helping support your child, whether or not they are an HSP.

So how can Highly Sensitive Parenthood support you as a HSP parent?  Here are a few offerings:

  • Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to stay up to date on blogs.

  • Follow us on Instagram for video and written content for HSP parents.

  • Find deeper transformation through our Highly Sensitive Parenthood Course and Toolkit.

  • Join us for future offerings, which will include a podcast, group coaching, and retreats for HSP parents (again, subscribe to the newsletter to stay informed on these offerings!)

Wherever you are at in your journey as an HSP mom, dad, caregiver, or parent, you are most welcome here!