Welcome Highly Sensitive (HSP) Parents and Parents of HSP Children!
Welcome to Highly Sensitive Parenthood! Our mission is to provide HSP mothers, fathers, families, and children with resources and support so that they can manage the challenges of overstimulation and overwhelm and learn to celebrate and thrive in their sensitivity.
About HSP Trait
Are you unsure about what it means to be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? Visit our About page to learn more about the trait of High Sensitivity and how it impacts your experience of parenthood & parenting!
HSP Parent & Child Resources
Are you ready to explore how your HSP trait shows up in your life or that of your child? Check out our courses and other offerings that will guide you towards a less stressful, more joyful experience of the HSP trait.
HSP Parenthood Blog
Our blog offers stories, tips, and thoughts about how to manage overstimulation, balance multiple roles, and reconnect with yourself as an Sensitive or Empath parent and person, as well as how to support your HSP child.