What is an HSP and how do I know if I am Highly Sensitive?

A Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is someone whose brain and body tends towards sensitivity to the environment and to emotions.  HSP is not a diagnosis or a flaw, but rather a trait that describes about 15-20% of the population. Think of the HSP trait as a trait like height - it is not “good” or “bad,” but definitely impacts the way you experience the world around you, and may have both benefits and drawbacks depending on the situation.  The HSP trait also overlaps with (but is different from) both Introversion and being an Empath, which I’ll explore in more depth in later blog posts!

One of the best ways to understand the HSP trait is through the acronym DOES, which was created by HSP researcher Elaine Aron, PhD:

If you’re not sure about whether or not the HSP trait defines your experience, check out the questionnaires at https://hsperson.com/test/highly-sensitive-test/ (the original questionnaire) or https://www.juliebjelland.com/sensitivity-scale (not official, but the questions are great).  Keep in mind that you don’t need to have *all* of the traits of High Sensitivity to consider yourself an HSP!  If it feels true for you, congratulations!  You have learned something new about yourself, and this knowledge can help empower you to celebrate the strengths of your sensitivity, as well as make adjustments to your life to better accommodate the challenges that sensitivity can sometimes bring. 

This blog (currently in its infancy) will be updated with weekly posts about High Sensitivity, particularly as it relates to being a parent.  If this describes you, you are welcome to subscribe to our email list to be updated on new blog posts, live events, and offers at Highly Sensitive Parenthood.  We also offer two in-depth resources to better understand your experience as an HSP Parent, the Highly Sensitive Parent Toolkit and the Highly Sensitive Parent Course.  

Wherever you are on your journey as an HSP, you are most welcome here!

written by Amy Lajiness, HSP Parenthood Coach and Educator


A Room of One’s Own


HSP Introvert Mother’s Day