5 Affirmations for HSP and Empath Parents

Too often, the self-talk I hear from Highly Sensitive or Empathic parents is negative and guilt ridden.

It’s selfish to take time for myself away from my child - I feel so guilty about wanting a break because I love my kid!

I feel like the worst mom when I become frustrated and lose it.

Other parents seem to be able to manage their kids and our busy lives much better than I can - there must be something wrong with me.

It breaks my heart to hear these statements - many of which are based in society’s unreasonable expectations on parents and a culture of perfectionism and “one right way” around parenting and parenthood.  While guilt or frustration can, at times, point us to areas where we may need a bit more support or where we can make lifestyle changes, they often do nothing but make us feel ashamed of who we are, and stuck in challenging situations and patterns.  

In today’s blog, I’d love to share with you five affirmations that I’ve created specifically for Highly Sensitive parents and caregivers.  While I can’t promise that these will eliminate those negative thoughts or make parenthood a total breeze, it is absolutely true that our self-talk affects our mindset and perspective.  When our mindset shifts to be more positive and self-compassionate, our emotions and experiences also become more calm and buoyant.  I suggest reading these through in your head, or if you feel comfortable, out loud.

I’m also happy to share the above affirmations as a free download.  Feel free to print them off or screenshot them as a reminder to speak to yourself with love! Simply click the button below to download the image.

I hope that these affirmations support you in your journey as a Highly Sensitive Parent. If you’re interested in more of our resources, check out our Highly Sensitive Parenthood Resource Page. Moving forward, we are also offering weekly YouTube videos and a podcast on the same theme as the blog, so if you are looking for further exploration, or simply to access these topics through your favorite media, click below!

written by Amy Lajiness, HSP Parent Coach and Educator


Embracing Parenthood - and Releasing “Parenting” - as an HSP


Balancing Awareness, Activism, and News Overwhelm